Tuesday, December 25, 2012

New tradition

Christmas Eve.. I'm posting this on Christmas because I didn't get a chance to yesterday. Merry Christmas! Well my friend, Dan, and I got out to do a little steelheading and had a pretty good day. I woke up at 6:30 and picked Dan up. A quick half hour later we were on the first creek. We knew that they were low, but hoped to catch a few trapped and drop back fish in the creeks, then head over to the rocky. We walked down, fishing every pool on the creek without getting a single hookup. Of course though, Dan with his natural polarized eyes saw a few. We sighted a big hen in the final pool and it didn't take long before I hooked up to her and she spit me. Most likely my biggest fish of the year. We decided to let the pool rest and hit the other creek. We fished it for a short while with out any luck. so we headed back to creek we started at. Started fishing and in fifteen minutes I hooked to this nice buck.

Just as I am getting back to the opposite side of the creek to reobtain my spot and get back to fishing, I hear Dan's spinning reel's drag scream. I recross the creek downstream and net the fish for him. Another nice brick buck.

He always ties it up when I catch one. We go without fish for awhile. I had a big buck swipe at my tube though and got determined to take the lead. Eventually the pink worm comes through for me, and I land a beautiful hen. Not big, but she has really nice color.

Finally we can't catch anymore fish here. The fish are spooked and we are starting to get low on time so we can not wait any longer. We head over to the Rock, and Dan hooks up first cast on a long drift down stream, but the fish breaks him off. Suddenly a group of guys can not stop catching fish downstream, but there is way to many guys there to try to sneak in. It is amazing how rude some people can be to catch a steelhead! We move upstream with out any luck and decide to hit the marina, then head home. Once again Dan hooks up to another steelhead first cast at the marina! He lands this one though and ties it up 2-2!

We run out  of time, and I am kind of thankful because my feet are so damn cold. It was a great day and now has started a great tradition of fishing with Dan on Christmas Eve. Until next time, tight lines.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Rivers blown out, but Creeks are not!

Decided to sleep in my first day of break. Woke up at 10:00 to the smell of breakfast cooking downstairs. Thanks Mom! Decided to hit up some creeks today considering how high the main rivers are. Got the car packed fairly quick considering I had nothing setup, and was off to some creeks I've been wanting to try. They should be in good conditioning due to the fact that they've had almost two days to calm down. Anyway I pull into the parking lot of the first creek, slip on my waders in the front seat, and it hits me... I left the wading boots in the garage! Damn it. Looks like my new Timberlands are going to have to due the job today. I am going to have to catch fish now. I slip on the boots, get my rods, and descend the cliff down to the water. Looks great, except its alittle too muddy. I fish for over an hour without seeing any fish and call it quits. Time to hit the next creek.

I reclimb the cliff, hop in the car, and take a trip over to the next creek. This one is in completely different condition. The water has a nice tint to it and is running slightly low. I start walking up to the first hole and talk to a centerpinner. He has caught two in the hole already. Now at least I know there is fish here. I continue walking up the creek and suddenly two steelhead splash and run. Damn, I should have been looking. I find them and fish for them in a few inches of water, but they are spooked so I move on. I get up to the waterfall at the top of the creek and begin to fish. There has to  be fish in this pool!

I slip on a single egg, salmon egg and drop in in the run. Feel a few taps set the hook and out comes a creek chub. O wait, this is a steelhead smolt. Pretty cool actually, and a good sign. I think its a wild one considering they don't stock this creek.

I recast in the run a few more times and I feel my egg get stop and I set the hook. BAM, a big hen explodes in this tiny pool I'm fishing. I barely have enough room to fight her in, and she bolts down river into an open shallow stretch. I eventually land her after at least ten minutes and ask the only other fisherman on the creek to snap a picture.

We talk alittle, and I trot back up to the pool and first cast hook into a tank. It's a dark buch and he is jumping and rolling in this tiny pool. I can barely handle him considering I only have 3lb leader on! He also leaves the pool like the previous hen and bolts down into the fisherman below me's pool. I apologize and he says he enjoys the show. He kindly lands it for me and snaps a picture. I offer to let him fish up in my hole, but he says he is getting action in his already.

 I also took a quick video during the fight to give viewers an idea on how small this pool is.


I return back to the pool to only catch another smolt. I figure there is more in here, but I am running out of time to wait on them so I head back down stream. I stop at a nice run and take a few casts and hook into a skipper, quickly land him, and back in he goes. In a few hours he will probably be up at the dam I was just fishing at.

 I continue on and hit the last run close  to the lake. In a few drifts I hook into a super dark buck. It jumps and fights for several minutes, and I finally land him. This fish has been in the creek for a couple days due to how dark he is. I release him and call it a day. 6/6. My best day so far and hope to be back out on the rivers Monday. They should be fishable.

Until next time, Tight lines....